
Association name
 Association Historical Small Power Plant Ottenbach (VHKO) 


 c/o Gemeindeverwaltung,  Affolternstrasse 3,  CH-8913 Ottenbach 


 Heinz Geiger 


 Heinz Geiger 



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The historical images on this website are from the archives of the Office for Monument Preservation of the Canton of Zurich, those of the flood events are from Office of Waste, Water, Energy and Air of the Canton of Zurich. Roland Mosimann, Ottenbach, was kind enough to provide a number of images. Photographs with no indication of authorship were taken by members of the association. The graphic about the entire facility was designed by Beat Stalder.

The copyright for texts, pictures and website is reserved and lies with the VHKO.
Commercial use of the materials on this website is prohibited.
© 2022 VHKO, Heinz Geiger



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